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I started the Mauriello law firm in 1996, I wanted to take my years of legal experience at big firms and put it to work for ordinary people, mom and pops investors, consumers and to really help the little guy, to provide sophisticated quality legal service to everybody.

One of the most rewarding areas of my practice is helping investors recover money when they have been defrauded.

This is a very specialized area of the law, not a lot of investors or clients know they have recourse when something goes wrong with their investments, they blame themselves they blame the stock markets. Most investment advisors and stock brokers are competent, most are ethical however some are not, … when those investment advisors or stock brokers recommend unsuitable investments or make fraudulent promises, or otherwise harm investors where investors can often lose their nest egg, that’s where I come in. and I can evaluate the case, I know what the law is I know how to draft the right arbitration claim or complaint to get results, I know a lot of the firms , I know a lot of the arbitrations and I’m often able to help investors recover retirement savings.

In addition to that I handle consumer class actions, I handle appeals I handle business litigation. I enjoy helping people.

A firm like Mauriello Law firm can offer a senior experienced attorney in all the experiences and skill sets, like myself, 28 years of practice in various federal and state courts all around California and around the nation. A deep broad set of experiences and legal judgement, putting that to work for a client working directly on the case. Your case will not be shunted off to a junior associate to learn by trial and error on that client’s case you are getting the judgement of a seasoned attorney. You are also getting personal attention. Your case is not just a case file you are a person, you get personal attention from myself Thomas Mauriello the principal of the firm and you will not be treated like a number you will be treated like a person

You’ll be heard and listened to and that’s one of the benefits of having a small firm is the feeling that you are getting heard and listened to as well as getting great results for your case.

What is a Consumer Class Action?

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One of my primary practice areas is consumer class action. The class action method is a mechanism to level the playing field.

It’s a way for consumers who have been injured a little bit financially can band together and assert their rights to recover a small amount of money that ordinarily they wouldn’t be able to recover because it wouldn’t be economically feasible to hire a lawyer. If you lost fifty dollars through some fraudulent product or service or even five hundred dollars, that’s a significant amount of money, but you wouldn’t want to sue a major corporation and engage in three years of litigation and pay an attorney over five hundred dollars.

The class members do not pay counsel. They work on a contingency basis.

I’ve handled cases with some of the finest law firms in the country as co-counsel. And I have a network of other law firms that I work with, and we’ve gotten great results for consumers in a number of cases.

What is Administrative Law?

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Simply put administrative law is the law and the process and procedures that govern administrative agencies. Any agency with an alphabet soup name: DMV, department of Insurance, department of Corporations, The bureau of Cosmetology, the Department of Vocational Nursing, all of these state and federal alphabet agencies, so to speak.

They have a large measure of control over our lives. They license folks who work in that field. They regulate and they do a lot of things, so I’ve had a lot of experience representing folks in in dealing with their licensing issues with these administrative agencies.

Somebody who has had their license suspended, revoked or not granted. And you go through the administrative process. It’s different than the court process, you go to an administrative law judge and it’s a private proceeding. And there are specific rules and processes that apply to those proceedings.

I’ve helped folks get their licenses back, I’ve helped folks get permits from agencies. And it’s an area that I enjoy very much.

Understanding Appeals

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An appeal is simply an attempt to get a trial judge’s ruling overturned, and to get the result you want after you’ve lost a trial. I’ve handle many dozens of state and federal court appeals over the years, criminal and civil. An appeal differs from a trial proceeding in that you already have the facts, you already have the record, and all you are doing is trying to convince the appeals court that the court below got it wrong and should be corrected and reversed in a different result. And I enjoy appeals because they give me a chance to do really detailed writing at a very high level of legal research and writing and the appeals courts have more time to think about the legal issues, they’re not involved in the hustle and bustle of trials and witnesses, so they are operating at a high level. And it’s a really fun area of practice. I have gotten a number or trial court orders reversed and its very satisfying for me.

Client Reviews

Tom, thank you for your all help. Among the three other attorneys I talked with, I chose you because you really listened, asked thoughtful questions and sought all information to understand my situation. That gave me confidence in you above all others. I am a believer in receiving feedback, so I...

Scott Yi, Securities Registered Representative

Thomas was very thorough, kind and truly cared about me and my case. He went above and beyond the call of duty. Every time I contacted him he me made me feel like a very important client. His skills, intelligence and demeanor lead to a victory in the courtroom!

Susan De Diminicantanio

As a business development consultant, there have been times to which I am in need of counsel for the review and strategic advice a range of diversified employment and compensation packages. In this sense, Thomas Mauriello has been my trusted counsel, paying particular attention to the settle nuances...

Emma Makinen, DOAP Kitchens, LLC

Our Family needed an attorney who was knowledgeable with FINRA and Tom proved to be very familiar with FINRA. We found him, trustworthy, thorough, honest and sympathetic during an emotionally stressful time with our Family.

Annette Hellmich

I would recommend Mr. Mauriello highly - - to anyone - - - wish I had more friends in the area who need an attorney! He was extremely knowledgeable, timely, courteous, - AND - he won my case! Would call him again in an instant should the need arise.

Nancy Brown

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(619) 940-1606 - (949) 542-3555
