Professional Network of San Clemente Hosts Thomas Mauriello in Presentation on False Claim Act “Qui Tam” Suits

On May 24, 2012 Thomas Mauriello gave a presentation on the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”) before the Professional Network of San Clemente, a business and networking association of prominent South Orange County professionals in a variety of fields, including law, accounting, wealth management, veterinary, real estate, business consulting, and insurance.

In his presentation, Mr. Mauriello provided an overview of the FCA, as well as case studies from his own practice and from other FCA suits. In these suits, which are also known as “Qui Tam’” suits or “whistleblower” suits, a private individual acting on behalf of the U.S. government may sue companies for fraud or theft committed against the federal government.

In a successful judgment or a settlement, the government may receive up to three times the actual amount by which the defendant defrauded the government, as well as other damages

The FCA also creates a strong financial incentive for whistleblowers who have personal knowledge of fraud on the US government to report that fraud. A plaintiff may receive as much as 15% to 25% of the penalties recovered in an FCA lawsuit.

If you are a whistleblower who has been employed by or otherwise has personal knowledge of a company who has defrauded the government, the Mauriello Law Firm has substantial experience with False Claims Act (Qui Tam) cases and would be pleased to discuss your potential case.

Client Reviews

Tom, thank you for your all help. Among the three other attorneys I talked with, I chose you because you really listened, asked thoughtful questions and sought all information to understand my situation. That gave me confidence in you above all others. I am a believer in receiving feedback, so I...

Scott Yi, Securities Registered Representative

Thomas was very thorough, kind and truly cared about me and my case. He went above and beyond the call of duty. Every time I contacted him he me made me feel like a very important client. His skills, intelligence and demeanor lead to a victory in the courtroom!

Susan De Diminicantanio

As a business development consultant, there have been times to which I am in need of counsel for the review and strategic advice a range of diversified employment and compensation packages. In this sense, Thomas Mauriello has been my trusted counsel, paying particular attention to the settle nuances...

Emma Makinen, DOAP Kitchens, LLC

Our Family needed an attorney who was knowledgeable with FINRA and Tom proved to be very familiar with FINRA. We found him, trustworthy, thorough, honest and sympathetic during an emotionally stressful time with our Family.

Annette Hellmich

I would recommend Mr. Mauriello highly - - to anyone - - - wish I had more friends in the area who need an attorney! He was extremely knowledgeable, timely, courteous, - AND - he won my case! Would call him again in an instant should the need arise.

Nancy Brown

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(619) 940-1606 - (949) 542-3555
